
A Guide to Becoming a Pet Parent in the UAE

Becoming a pet parent is an amazing journey, filled with unconditional love, laughter, companionship and joy. However, it comes with a life long commitment and responsibilities that you need to consider.

Most of us are expats living in the UAE and will move on at some point to another Country. It is your responsibility, should you choose to be a pet parent, to take your pets with you when you leave the UAE. If you can’t commit to this, being a pet parent is not for you here! If you want to have a dog or cat, but can’t yet fully commit, consider fostering.  

With that being said, being a pet parent is the best thing in the world, so let’s discuss navigating the journey with your fur kid, essential pet care, and how to ensure a happy, healthy life for your furry friend. 

How do I Know if a Dog or Cat is Right for our Family?

Well, dogs and cats are very different. Dogs require more of your time and attention and have different needs to a cat. Dogs need to be walked regularly, have plenty of exercise, and also require more time with you. Dogs don’t like to be left for a long period of time, so if you’re not able to make provisions for a pet sitter or doggy day care, a dog might not be the right fit for you.

Cats on the other hand are more independent. Don’t get me wrong, they still need your time and attention, however, most of the time they’re happy at home whilst you’re at work.

All dogs and cats have unique personalities, and some will be a better fit for your family, depending on your lifestyle and hobbies. Make sure you do plenty of research before you decide to welcome a fur kid into your home and research their breed and personality traits.

There are hundreds of dogs and cats that need a loving home so please consider adopting from a reputable rescuer rather that buying from a pet shop. It’s also important to remember that it’s illegal to breed and sell animals here without the relevant licences, so do your homework!

Pets in the UAE Climate !

Having lived in the UAE for over 12 + years, when summer arrives, I’m always caught off guard and forget how hot it actually gets! Having a cat or dog in this climate comes with a lot of do’s and don’ts to make sure your fur kids are safe and cared for. Even in the winter months, it is still hot, so remember these things:

·         If it’s too hot for you – it’s definitely too hot for your fur kid! Making sure your cat or dog has unlimited access to water is essential. A full, clean water bowl should be accessible at all times of the day.

·         DO NOT KEEP YOUR PETS OUTSIDE IN YOUR GARDEN OR ON YOUR BALCONY! If you don’t want a dog or cat inside your home, are they the right pet for you? It sounds like common sense; however, we see so many dogs being kept outside in the blazing sun which is dangerous and inhumane!

·         Walk your dogs first thing in the morning or late in the evening when the sun is not at its hottest. Never walk your dog in the midday sun. Again, if it’s too hot for you to walk barefoot on the ground, it’s too hot for your dog. On walks, talk a bottle of water, keep walks shorter in hotter months and consider buying a cooling vest to keep your dog cooler on their walks.

·         Cats are not permitted by law to be outside, however, if your cat goes outdoors, make sure they are wearing a collar and ID tag for their safety. I recommend, if possible, to keep your cat indoors due certain dangers of being outside. If your cat doesn’t like to be indoors, consider a catio or invest in cat-proofing your garden to ensure their safely confined to the boundaries of your property.

·         Air conditioning will keep your fur kids comfortable in the heat, just as it keeps you comfortable when it’s hot.

·       NEVER LEAVE YOUR PET IN A CAR UNATTENDED! This should be common sense; heatstroke can occur quickly and can kill your pet!

Pet Supplies and Essential Care for your Fur Kids

Making sure you have the necessary supplies for your furry friend before they come home is important! They will need:

Food and water bowls – stainless steel or ceramic bowls are preferred as they don’t leave odours and are easier to clean, making them more hygienic.

Quality fooddeciding on your pet’s diet can be overwhelming. We recommend speaking with your registered vet who will be able to advise you. There are many different brands of dog and cat food, and raw dog and cat food. Getting recommendations from other pet parents may also help you decide what to feed your kids.

Toys and enrichment ­– keeping your cat or dog mentally and physically stimulated is important. This can help reduce stress, anxiety and boredom. When choosing toys for your pets, be careful when choosing toys with bells, rope and other materials that may be easily chewed and digested.

Grooming supplies – yep! Just like us humans, our fur kids need to be groomed, bathed, brushed and will certainly need their nails trimming at some point. Keeping their teeth clean and on top of their grooming will mean a healthier pet and more pleasant-smelling cuddles.

Veterinary care – Just like us, your fur kids will need medical check ups and vaccinations. The first thing you need to do is get your dog or cat microchipped ( required by law in the UAE). You can read more about the importance of microchipping here. Selecting a vet, much like selecting food for your furry can also be overwhelming. Cheap is not always the best! A typical check up at a vet can cost at around 200 AED – 250 AED per visit, plus any treatment or medication that is needed. Saving emergency vet information too is a must for every pet parent. You can find a list of emergency vets in Dubai here

Legal requirements and Regulations for Pets in the UAE

The UAE has specific regulations and requirements for pet owners in the UAE, including microchipping your dog or cat. Always check that your microchip is registered with the relevant municipality and register your pet for free with Where My Paws At app.

Animals found to be neglected, abused, mistreated or abandoned is punishable by law. If you suspect neglect or abuse you can report by calling – the Ministry of Climate Change and Environment hotline ( 8003050 ), Dubai Municipality hotline ( 800900 ).

Keeping Your Pets Safer in the UAE

Where My Paws At has been designed and developed by pet parents for pet parents in the UAE. We’re building a safer, smart pet community to keep your pets safer in the UAE. To get started, download our app and register your pet for FREE.

Our community is growing every day, covering all seven Emirates. Since launching in February 2023, we’ve helped re-unite over 120+ pets and have thousands of pet parents registered with us. We don’t just keep your pets safer, we help save you money on all things pet related. Check out our discounts here.

Please remember, the easiest way for someone to identify your dog or cat is a pet ID tag. Without a pet ID tag, identifying your pet can be disjointed and long winded. They could be mistaken for a stray or an abandoned pet and taken off the streets.

We’re building a safer community using smart technology, keeping your paws safe! Don’t wait until it’s too late – protect your pet for free with our app and smart pet tags in the UAE.

If you have any questions about the smart technology services we provide at Where My Paws At, then feel free to get in touch with us today.

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